Ian Norton's Homepage


The christmas and new-year holidays have drawn to an end and I am due back in Wivenhoe tomorrow, So.. just to kill a little time, here is a re-design for my homepage (Darkspace/Purge/Void). They should all point to this single site.

Current Projects

Pneumatic IP ** NEW! **
An alternative IPComp (RFC3173) network compression driver for Linux 2.4.x [University of Essex - Final Year Project]
Gnome2 PCMCIA Tools ** NEW! **
GTK wrappers around some aspects of PCMCIA cards and schemes, more at http://www.darkspace.org.uk/
A Perl/MySQL based website manager with multi-user and styling support
An extension for GWI providing an Online, turn based space strategy game similar to Planetarion

Older Projects

iptables firewall script for linux, intended for a linux router
